Monday, May 11, 2009

Improve the handwriting of your kids

During my teaching I observed that the children handwriting is affected by heredity, interest, writing practice in right direction under the observation of parents or teachers.
I observed that most of the brothers and sisters have the same pattern of handwriting, though different teachers taught them (parents were not involve as most of them were uneducated)
Suggestions for improving handwriting:
1. During handwriting try to observe your child. It will make him more sensible.
2. Try to minimize his hand writing speed for good handwriting. If you succeeded to keep his writing speed slow on a regular bases, you will observe neatness in his writing.
3. Ask the teacher to give attention to your kid while he is writing.
4. Try to appreciate him for relative good handwriting, by appreciation words and making star etc. on his notebook.
5. Give him some prize (not worthy) for good handwriting, whenever he writes relatively well.
6. Children like drawing therefore try from drawing angle, Bought a color box and drawing book for him (if not exist already). This will bring confidence in him and will help to strengthen the muscle of his hand, which is used in writing.
7. If he is too weak in hand writing, then buy notebooks for him which contain dotted alphabets, words and sentences.

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