Monday, May 18, 2009

Iraq Refugee Emergency

The Continuing Needs of Iraq's Displaced

A child in Jordan's Ruwaished camp.


Iraqi refugees throughout the region have become increasingly desperate. Despite a decline in violence in the second half of 2007, only a small number have gone home. Of those who returned to Iraq, many found their property occupied and suffered new displacement.

UNHCR estimates more than 4.7 million Iraqis left have left their homes, many in dire need of humanitarian care. Of these, more than 2.7 million Iraqis are displaced internally, while more than 2 million have fled to neighboring states, particularly Syria and Jordan.

More than 1.5 million Iraqis have fled their homes for other areas in in side Iraq since early 2006, and the displacement presents an enormous humanitarian challenge for both the displaced and the Iraqi families trying to help them in host communities.

Since the beginning of 2007, the UN Refugee Agency has expanded its operations in the in the region. UNHCR has registered more than 300,000 Iraqis in countries neighboring Iraq, 15 percent of who are in need of special assistance, including victims of torture.

Between security concerns and the general lack of resources, the massive internal displacement has led to a growing number of impoverished shantytowns without proper access to clean water and food.

UNHCR is working to address the needs of those displaced through the construction of schools, clinics and community centers, and through providing counseling and special care for the most vulnerable.

Your immediate support can provide emergency aid
to these innocent men, women and children escaping violence and persecution.

The number of Iraqis fleeing to neighboring countries also remains high. According to government figures, some 1.2 million Iraqis are now displaced in Syria, up to 500,000 in Jordan, 50,000 in Egypt and some 50,000 in Lebanon.

To assist Iraqi refugee families, UNHCR is appealing for support to provide essential medical, health, food and individual assistance to the most vulnerable inside and outside the country.

Please join our campaign to protect and assist Iraqi refugees .

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